This pear, walnut and mascarpone tart is one of my originals.
One day I was wondering what to do with those left over pears and who was going to eat them – I started day dreaming and into my head popped this pear, walnut and mascarpone tart, and I could taste it even though I’d never baked it.
So, jump on board and give it a try – you can thank me later!
- shortcrust pastry
- 2 almost ripe pears
- 1 C chopped walnuts
- cinnamon
- 6 eggs
- 1/2C castor sugar
- 1 t vanilla essence
- 500g mascarpone cream (or 1.5C fresh cream)
- honey to drizzle
Make up the shortcrust pastry and cook as per my recipe here.
Slice the pears into about 2-3mm thickness. Spread the pears and chopped walnuts into the shortcrust pastry, sprinkle with cinnamon.
Whisk together the eggs, castor sugar, vanilla essence and cream until combined (you don’t want thick egg in the mix).
Pour over the pears and walnuts. Drizzle with honey.
Bake moderate oven until just set.
Serve with a dollop of cream.