Rocky Road Cheesecake

While this might sound like it’s going to be an over the top sugar load, there’s actually no added sugar – so, depending on what “gems” you add will change how sweet this dish turns out. I added salted roasted peanuts for something different.


  • 1 packet plain chocolate biscuits
  • 60g melted butter
  • 500g Philadelphia cream cheese
  • 500ml fresh cream
  • 300g very dark chocolate (I used 70% cocoa) melted
  • 2T gelatine soaked in boiling water
  • Marshmallows, salted peanuts, Turkish delight, chopped snakes, Clinkers, coconut, etc

In a food processor, crush the biscuits and add the melted butter. Press into springform tin and refrigerate.

Beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add thefresh cream and beat together until smooth, scraping the edges away from the bowl. Add the melted chocolate and gelatine. Beat well. Fold through the marshmallow mixture and then pour on top of the base. Refrigerate.

Release from pan. If it’s stuck to the sides, heat a towel and wrap around to soften the edges. Decorate with frozen raspberries etc

Chocolate Brownies

chocolate brownie

These chocolate brownies are seriously good and incredibly easy to make – if Mr 17 can make them (over and over again) then so can you!


  • 250g choc chips (white, milk or dark or a combination)
  • 1 C self raising flour
  • 250g butter
  • 3/4 C castor sugar
  • 1/2 C cocoa
  • 4 eggs


Melt the butter. Combine all the other ingredients, add melted butter. Pour batter into a lined cake tin/slice tin. Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes.

To see if the brownies are cooked – you want them still a little gooey on the inside, but firm on the outside. As they cool, they will continue to cook. If you want a drier brownie, cook for a little longer.

Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate Brownies

Choc Chip Biscuits

It’s a choc chip biscuit kinda day – cool, overcast, time for some comfort food and a cup of tea, good book and a day on the lounge…..or, I could take these to work next week….


  • 125g butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1t vanilla essence
  • 1. 1/2 cups self raising flour
  • 1 cup choc bits (I use white, dark and milk combined)


Preheat oven 180ºc.  In a bowl, beat together the butter and sugars until smooth. Add egg – beat further so that the mix is smooth. Add vanilla essence – beat. Add flour and combine. Add choc chips.

Place small rolled balls of mixture on lined tray, bake 10-12 minutes until golden. Cool on trays.

This recipe is very similar to the peanut butter biscuits – with this one I did not add any extra flour as I did for the other recipe. As a result, the mixture was stickier and quite wet.

When I cooked them up – they spread further than the peanut butter mixture. 

Choc Chip Cookies

Once out of the oven, they were a much chewier texture – if you like crisp biscuits, I suggest adding more flour to make a drier mixture. You can see comparatively in the images above how they much they spread.

Choc Chip Cookies

Paleo Bliss – Chocolate Slice!! Ready in no time – Thank YOU!

So this recipe started off as Paleo Bliss Balls…and I would be standing there – rolling, rolling, rolling…what felt like about a hundred of these balls and (yawn) I’d be thinking “there are other things I need to do right now….”  You get the idea.

So, the Paleo Bliss Balls turned into Chocolate Paleo Bliss – Slice – you’re welcome!


bliss balls, chocolate bliss balls, paleo slice, chocolate paleo slice, paleo bliss

So I changed it up.  Who said they have to be balls anyway to be a mouthful of bliss? Follow my thinking? (Rebel Mel is breaking out of her bonds again, lol).

Anyway, I’ve been making this slice for months now, and my hubby and son love it – the chocolate flavour hides the dates extremely well, and the dates – well you know what dates can do for your colon!  So, I say to hubby “how do you like that date slice I make?” to which he replies:  “when did you make data slice??”   hahahaha – I win – he thought it was chocolate.

Here goes, you can thank me later for how much time I will save you…


  • 15 Medjool Dates
  • 1 C Cashews (or other nut)
  • 3 T Coconut Oil (needs to be in liquid form, you may need to melt it)
  • 1 t Cinnamon
  • 2 T Raw Cacao Powder
  • 2 T Chocolate Protein Powder (or any flavour you have or like)
  • Coconut (either flakes, desiccated, whatever  you have)


Chocolate Paleo Slice, paleo bliss


In a food processor, combine all ingredients and blend until smooth – add more coconut oil if needed – you want it to be of a binding consistency but not a wet squishy consistency – if it’s too wet, add more dried ingredients.

chocolate paleo slice, gluten free chocolate slice, paleo bliss

Line a slice tray with baking paper so that you will be able to grab the paper once the tray has the filling in it. Sprinkle lightly with some of the coconut flakes.

Press the bliss mix into the tray and spread to each corner, try and get the top as level as possible.  Sprinkle more coconut into the top of the slice and press into the slice.

chocolate paleo slice, gluten free chocolate slice, paleo bliss

Refrigerate until set.

Using the paper which you can see at the sides of the tray, gently lift up the slice and cut into squares.

Keep refrigerated.

bliss balls, chocolate bliss balls, paleo slice, chocolate paleo slice, paleo bliss

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