Brussel sprouts – you either love them or hate them! Once upon a time they were my pet hate, and I think mum knew that!
Fast forward a few years (ok, a lot of years) and I’ve created a recipe with brussel sprouts that even hubby will eat (he’s a steak and potatoes man!).
- 500g Brussel sprouts
- 3-4 rashes of bacon
- 1 onion
- 1/4 sliced almonds
- garlic
- olive oil
Slice up the onion and bacon – heat up a fry pan and start cooking these up in some olive oil, add garlic. While the onion and bacon is cooking, chop off the tough bit at the end of the Brussel sprout, cut them in half and quickly cook them in the microwave for a couple of minutes just to start the cooking process (if you don’t use a microwave, you can par-boil them).
Add to the pan. Top with sliced almonds and serve immediately.