You’re Here!

Well, here we are – the place to be for home cooked food for the family!  Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I have to share a secret with you, I am just an ordinary person – my photos aren’t flashy, edited, perfectly angled or lit – but let me tell you, if I’ve made it and then written about it, then there must have been a really good reason… and the reason is this:  I want to make it again!

So, yes the backgrounds in my images will probably show a few crumbs on the bench top, dishes in the sink, a bit of splatter on the stove and an oven that probably needs a wipe – but guess what? the food works, and I think that is way more important than that perfectly imaged photo that you and I both know is nearly impossible to achieve such artistic perfection.

You’ll also find hidden in my site some recipes that aren’t really for consumption – but guess what? They will save you money! They may take a little time to make, not too long of course and definitely not labour intensive – but they are so worth the effort!

So come on it, most of my ingredients you probably already have – it’s time to eat!


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